Saving a variable to a continuously changing file name

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Calabrese 2015년 7월 27일
댓글: Calabrese 2015년 7월 30일
I would like to save a variable to a file/filename that relates to a previously loaded filename and repeat the code with a new file and save the variable to a different filename.
First I load in a file of choice
data = uigetfile('*.csv');
IP_Testing = xlsread(data)
example: BurnIn_2ndary_volt_curr_columnar_20150527_1940_IAM002.csv
Note: The datetime is in the filename
Then I reduce the file to a small matrix from data that I selected with the brushing tool. I assign that matrix to a variable.
details = [mean(IAMHS(:,2)) std(IAMHS(:,2)) min(IAMHS(:,2)) max(IAMHS(:,2));...
mean(CMP1(:,2)) std(CMP1(:,2)) min(CMP1(:,2)) max(CMP1(:,2));...
mean(CMP2(:,2)) std(CMP2(:,2)) min(CMP2(:,2)) max(CMP2(:,2));...
mean(PDU_OP(:,2)) std(PDU_OP(:,2)) min(PDU_OP(:,2)) max(PDU_OP(:,2));...
mean(ThreePThreeV(:,2)) std(ThreePThreeV(:,2)) min(ThreePThreeV(:,2)) max(ThreePThreeV(:,2));...
mean(TenV_PREF(:,2)) std(TenV_PREF(:,2)) min(TenV_PREF(:,2)) max(TenV_PREF(:,2));...
mean(TenV_REF(:,2)) std(TenV_REF(:,2)) min(TenV_REF(:,2)) max(TenV_REF(:,2))];
Now I would like to save the matrix (details) to a file name that relates to the previous loaded file (same datetime).
Examples: BurnIn_2ndary_20150527_1940.mat
The problem is I will run my code to retrieve another file similar to the first one I imported (different datetime).
Example: BurnIn_2ndary_volt_curr_columnar_20150528_1500_IAM002.csv
In the end I would like to save it to a similar name
Examples: BurnIn_2ndary_20150528_1500.mat
So I need my code that saves the file to be able to recognize a different file so that I can save it to a different filename. Being able to hold on to the datetime in the name is important for later plotting all of the new files I have saved

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015년 7월 27일
You can use regexp() to extract portions of the name. For example,
regexp(filename, '\d+_\d+', 'match')
should extract the data and time substring.
The first part looks to be
regexp(filename,'^[A-Za-z0-9]+_[A-Za-z0-9]+', 'match')
  댓글 수: 11
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015년 7월 27일
Simplified version that does it all in one, producing a character string:
regexprep(filename,{'(?<=^[^_]+_[^_]+_)[^0-9]+','_[^_]+\.csv$'}, '')
Calabrese 2015년 7월 30일
Walter could you give me an example on how to extract different parts of this filename?
I also have a range3 (which is a character string that is equal to 2324_0226) that I would like to tack onto it. Examples of what I would like to extract from the original are below.
Now I would like to combine the existing string range3 to produce the following.
BurnIn_2ndary_volt_curr_20150528_range3_IAM002 or

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