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relationship between a frequency, frequency rate and time for good graph and good sound

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
function Sound_and_Draw_Signal_Over_Time( frequency, intensity, time )
%UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here %Detailed explanation goes here
fs = 80 * frequency;
%fs = 8000;
%%% TRY THIS Sound_and_Draw_Signal_Over_Time( 100, 5, 5 )
%%% to make this function work very well, I need to know
%%% what is the good relationship between a frequency and
%%% its corresponding frequency rate
t = 0:(1/fs): time;
y = intensity * sin (2 * pi * frequency * t);
title(['Signal of ', num2str(frequency) ,' Hz frequency']);
xlabel('time (milliseconds)')
sound(y, fs);
  댓글 수: 1
Joel Sande
Joel Sande 2015년 7월 29일
% The Over sampling rate will be in good range if you call this
% function I just wrote.
function [Over_Sam_Rate] = F_frequency(frequency)
if (frequency >= 20 && frequency <=2000)
Over_Sam_Rate = 50;
elseif (frequency > 2000 && frequency <=20000)
Over_Sam_Rate = 10;

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