How to plot a contourf ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Inês Mendes
Inês Mendes 2015년 7월 9일
댓글: Inês Mendes 2015년 7월 9일
Hi guys,
Do any of you know if it is possible to plot a contourf in which my y axis corresponds to a string array, my x axis to a time array, and my Z to a numeric array?
Thanks in advance!

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Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity 2015년 7월 9일
편집: Mike Garrity 2015년 7월 9일
The easiest way to deal with non-numeric data is to give contour numeric indices into the data and use the data as your TickLabels:
xoptions = {'left','center','right'};
yoptions = {'bottom','middle','top'};
nx = length(xoptions);
ny = length(yoptions);
Datetimes are similar, but you need to turn them into strings before using them as tick labels:
yoptions = datetime(2015,1:3,1);
ny = length(yoptions);
  댓글 수: 1
Inês Mendes
Inês Mendes 2015년 7월 9일
Thank you :)

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