How to design a high pass filter and test the filter by a signal

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Kanhaiya Deshpande
Kanhaiya Deshpande 2015년 6월 30일
편집: Kanhaiya Deshpande 2015년 6월 30일
Sampling freq= 8kHz Stopband: 0-1kHz Passband: 1.5-4 kHz; Hamming Window
Input signal:3cos(1000*pi*t)+2cos(6000*pi*t)

답변 (1개)

Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh
Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh 2015년 6월 30일
Type fdatool in the MATLAB command window.
It opens the Filter Designa and Analysis window, where you can design your filter.
Then create a function from it, and pass the signal in and get the output.
It's fairly easy, just play with fdatool GUI a little.
Good Luck!


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