Create a Message Box with a condition

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Inês Mendes
Inês Mendes 2015년 6월 11일
답변: Nobel Mondal 2015년 6월 11일
Hi guys,
I have a question. I am trying to create a msgbox with a condition and i don´t know why but it isn´t working..
I have a script that returns a vector x.
I want to create a msgbox that says "fault" if any of the values in x<10 for example.
The thing is that the cycle i created isn´t working and only analyses the first value of the vector...
Can you help?
I would be much appreciated!

답변 (1개)

Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal 2015년 6월 11일
x = 5:25; % Input Vector
limit = 10;
if ~isempty(find(x<limit,1))
% Do Something Else
msgbox(['Everything >= ' num2str(limit)]);


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