create time-changing graphic contour map

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Samuel 2015년 5월 29일
답변: Nelson Ojeda Quiles 2016년 4월 28일
Maybe to clarify my end result- I have a sample dataset as below- first column denotes the x position, second denotes y position, and third column is the temperature value recorded. (That is why the x and y position number isn't changing)
The row is with respect to time from t=1-3s.
5 5 10
5 5 20
5 5 30
10 10 30
10 10 50
10 10 1
15 15 4
15 15 10
15 15 20
I was hoping to output a 3d surface graph like shown below
So x y coordinates will show, and z will be the temperature. I was hoping to generate an animation that will show the changes in temperature on these respective locations.
Any clarifications and/or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
previous post------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi, I have a time-resultant 100 point sensor output of temperature at 4 different places in a device. I want to see a graphical contour map so that I can a color based change for each point as time passes, preferably from blue (cold) to red (hot). Research in to past threads and online showed that maybe using surf() and/or pcolor() functions will do it. However, when I try to use the data I have, it gives me an error.
What I tried so far is to assign a 2x2x100 array to each point. What I want to do is also assign each of them to a graphical coordinate indicating the points at where I installed this sensor.
thanks for the help in advance

답변 (2개)

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2015년 6월 3일
Samuel, use something like
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(50);
h = surf(X,Y,Z);
axis manual
for ii = 0:200
h.ZData = Z + rand(size(Z)); % replace by sensor data
  댓글 수: 2
Samuel 2015년 6월 3일
편집: Samuel 2015년 6월 3일
Hello Mischa, thanks so much for your reply- you have been more help than a Mathworks support rep.
I am afraid I might need some more details on the suggestion you provided. My actual data is a set of them with no actual locations defined- it is an array of temperature outputs.
I will attempt to comment my intrepretation of the portion of code. Please advise / correct my understanding as you see fit.
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(50);% this is to create an example plot
h = surf(X,Y,Z); %plot actual data
axis manual %take control of plotted data?
for ii = 0:200 % is this based on the size of my temp data, or a random number?
h.ZData = Z + rand(size(Z)); % replace by sensor data - I noticed putting my table of numbers here created a warning ("Warning: Error creating or updating Surface
Error in value of property ZData Array is wrong shape or
size ")
pause(0.1) %this is to pause it at a certain frame?
Thanks in advance for your help. sam
Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim 2015년 6월 3일
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(50);
h = surf(X,Y,Z); % plot the first set of data
axis manual % this way the scales do not change
for ii = 0:200 % now animate; use 200 (random, correct)...
% ...time steps or data sets
h.ZData = Z + rand(size(Z)); % replace by sensor data
pause(0.1) % nope. to slow it down. you loop through...
% ...draw > pause > draw > pause etc.
As for the warning, did the code still work? If not, attach to your comment your x-, y-, and z-data as a .mat file and we can figure this one out as well.

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Nelson Ojeda Quiles
Nelson Ojeda Quiles 2016년 4월 28일
I am trying to do the same, but with a 9 sensor setup. I just have Temperature/ Time(minutes)/ Sensor location, this code just makes my plot flicker. Should I change something?


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