which software better to learn?

조회 수: 26 (최근 30일)
Humayra 2024년 12월 27일 11:29
편집: Torsten 2024년 12월 27일 14:48
for optimization is matlab better or python?

답변 (1개)

Torsten 2024년 12월 27일 14:41
편집: Torsten 2024년 12월 27일 14:48
If you ask this in a MATLAB forum, you will get a different answer than in a python forum :-)
If you start learning about optimization, I think it is important that a software is well-documented. This is the case with MATLAB.
If the price matters, you could start with free software (octave, scilab, python) to learn about the general procedure to set up an optimization problem. If you run into problems, you could ask a more specific question here and maybe switch to MATLAB later.


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