MATLAB and Ansys Co-simulations for Motor Drive Application

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
Gaurav Prajapati
Gaurav Prajapati 2024년 12월 25일
답변: KALYAN ACHARJYA 2024년 12월 25일
Dear Team,
I am currently working on simulating a high-fidelity motor drive system. To achieve this, I am modeling and developing the power electronics and control algorithms in MATLAB. Simultaneously, I aiming to linking a high-fidelity motor model in Ansys to the simulation.
Specifically, I aim to feed the motor windings in Ansys with the voltage generated by the converter in MATLAB, enabling real-time interaction between the two environments. My goal is to log and analyze key motor parameters such as temperature, torque, speed, and losses (copper and iron).
Could you please assist me with setting up this simulation? It would be immensely helpful if you could provide any video tutorials, documentation, or guidance on configuring this simulation workflow.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,

답변 (1개)

KALYAN ACHARJYA 2024년 12월 25일
Generally MATLAB is commonly used for optimization algorithms, while ANSYS is ideal for finite element analysis (FEA). There are numerous YouTube videos available to guide you in linking up both environments. However, I refrain from sharing any external links here.More, you can explore the following resources link on the MATLAB File Exchange for further assistance.
Hope it helps!


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