Is there a function to tell if Matlab is using little-endian or big-endian on current computer?

조회 수: 35 (최근 30일)
Is there a function to tell if Matlab is using little-endian or big-endian on current computer?

채택된 답변

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 12월 17일 5:27
See the third output from the computer function.
[str, maxsize, endianness] = computer
str = 'GLNXA64'
maxsize = 2.8147e+14
endianness = 'L'

추가 답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2024년 12월 17일 4:53
편집: Matt J 2024년 12월 17일 4:58
function endianType = checkEndian()
% Typecast uint16(1) to uint8 to examine the byte order
byteValue = typecast(uint16(1), 'uint8');
% Check the first byte to determine endianness
if byteValue(1) == 1
endianType = 'little-endian';
endianType = 'big-endian';


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