rated_torque not matching desired torque for IPMSM

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Bhagyesh 2024년 12월 6일
댓글: Bhagyesh 2024년 12월 11일
Hi Community,
  1. 'rated_torque' not matchning with desired torque after entering motor, inverter parameters. I am getting 2 Nm torque, but my expedted torque is 21Nm. How can I get desired torque?
  2. What is difference between 'pmsm.T_rated' and 'rated_torque' ?
Below is the Torque_speed graph for referance.
Thanks in Advance.
  댓글 수: 1
VBBV 2024년 12월 6일
이동: VBBV 2024년 12월 6일
May be you are saturating the power variable to 500 W in your model. Check If you can set the saturation value to something like 6000W

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답변 (1개)

VBBV 2024년 12월 6일


From the reference graph you have, it seems the value you get for rated torque is correct. It's about 2.25 Nm. If you look at the power vs speed graph, the nominal power is about 595 W at 0.25 x 10^4.

If you calculate torque from power and speed you would get 2.25 Nm which is correct. There is NO difference between pmsm.T_rated' and 'rated_torque'

  댓글 수: 2
Bhagyesh 2024년 12월 6일
편집: Bhagyesh 2024년 12월 8일
@VBBV: Thanks for your quick respose. Can you please point me where do I find Power variable. Where I can find power calculation in .m script file?
  1. How can I get torque around 21Nm? I tried changing Voltage, Current parameters in .m script file. But torque not updating.
  2. pmsm.T_rated' / 'rated_torque' are mentioned as Per Unit System(PU System)?
Thanks in Advance.
Bhagyesh 2024년 12월 11일
@VBBV: Thanks for your quick respose. Can you please point me where do I find Power variable. Where I can find power calculation in .m script file?
  1. How can I get torque around 21Nm? I tried changing Voltage, Current parameters in .m script file. But torque not updating.
  2. pmsm.T_rated' / 'rated_torque' are mentioned as Per Unit System(PU System)? Please confirm.
Thanks in Advance.

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