Spectrometer signal processing.

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Daniel 2024년 12월 2일
댓글: Star Strider 2025년 2월 5일 12:23
Hi guys,
I got my spectrometer data in this format save as a notepad file:
I would like to covnert time on the graph strat from 0 seconds and dont know how to covvert that.
1729167932375 13:25:32.375 405650.13
1729167932475 13:25:32.475 400621.04
1729167932575 13:25:32.575 398764.17
1729167932675 13:25:32.675 400905.63
1729167932775 13:25:32.775 400606.19
1729167932875 13:25:32.875 400141.29
Can someone help me with that? Thank you

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 12월 2일
One approach —
Data = {1729167932375 '13:25:32.375' 405650.13
1729167932475 '13:25:32.475' 400621.04
1729167932575 '13:25:32.575' 398764.17
1729167932675 '13:25:32.675' 400905.63
1729167932775 '13:25:32.775' 400606.19
1729167932875 '13:25:32.875' 400141.29};
T1 = cell2table(Data);
Time = datetime(T1{:,2}, InputFormat='HH:mm:ss.SSS', Format='HH:mm:ss.SSS');
ElapsedTime = seconds(Time - Time(1));
T1 = removevars(T1,2);
T1 = addvars(T1, ElapsedTime, 'Before',2)
T1 = 6x3 table
Data1 ElapsedTime Data3 __________ ___________ __________ 1.7292e+12 0 4.0565e+05 1.7292e+12 0.1 4.0062e+05 1.7292e+12 0.2 3.9876e+05 1.7292e+12 0.3 4.0091e+05 1.7292e+12 0.4 4.0061e+05 1.7292e+12 0.5 4.0014e+05
plot(T1{:,2}, T1{:,3})
title('Spectrometer Plot')
I suspect that you will import your file (not provided) with readtable. This approach should work with it.
  댓글 수: 16
Daniel 2025년 2월 5일 10:32
Great, thank you for your answer and brief explanation. I really appreciate it!
Star Strider
Star Strider 2025년 2월 5일 12:23
As always, my pleasure!

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추가 답변 (1개)

Daniel 2025년 2월 5일 10:30
Great, thank you for your answer and brief explanation. I really appreciate it!


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