Can one Function call Trigger Multiple Subsystems?

조회 수: 24 (최근 30일)
Richard Frei
Richard Frei 2024년 11월 27일 12:04
댓글: Fangjun Jiang 2024년 11월 27일 13:56
Hi, im using the C2000 Microcontroller Blockset and im trying to trigger Multiple Function call Subsystems with one Call (Interrrupt).
I can not find any way to make it possible. The reason why i want to call multiply Subsystems instead of moveing those systems into one subystem, is to group them by function and not by time base.
Im not sure if the problem is only with the C2000 Blockset or if it is not supported by Simulink.
Thanks in advance.

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Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024년 11월 27일 13:26
  댓글 수: 2
Richard Frei
Richard Frei 2024년 11월 27일 13:37
Thank you for the Answer. I have already tried the Function-Call Splitter, but it does not work.
After some experimenting (and deconstruction of the C2000 Interrupt Blocks) i found that it only works if i have only one interrupt per block. Otherwise it will fail with:
"Error:A function-call signal, originating at 'Output Port 1' of initiator 'CompilationModel_2/ADC_ISR_Setup/ECSoC/ECSimCodegen/Hardware Interrupt', is branched incorrectly. The function call initiator CompilationModel_2/ADC_ISR_Setup/ECSoC/ECSimCodegen/Hardware Interrupt' emits a function-call signal with multiple elements. All function-call initiators within a branched function-call network must emit scalar function-call signals.".
So it is a Problem with the C2000 Blocksets, but i dont know how to get around it.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024년 11월 27일 13:56
Yes. That seems to be constrained by this particular hardware related block, not a generic approach.
You could use this interrupt to trigger a subsystem. In the subsystem, add a function-call generator and a function-call split.

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