Why does Polyspace Cluster Admin show "unknown state" after closing SSH connection?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)

I am using Polyspace Access in a Linux VM running Ubuntu 18. I connect to this VM using Windows 10 and SSH connection. Inside of the VM, Docker is running and Polyspace Access is running inside of the container. When I close the ssh connection to the VM, I see the message “unknown state” in the Cluster Admin page. I run this command to start the Docker admin agent: 
/usr/local/Polyspace_Access/admin-docker-agent --hostname xxxxhostnamexxxx --ssl-cert-file /lhome/<user>/cert/xxxx.crt --ssl-key-file /lhome/<user>/cert/xxxxnet.key --ssl-ca-file /lhome/<user>/cert/xxxx.crt 
I am still able to use Polyspace Access, but I am confused why the Cluster Admin shows “unknown state”? 

채택된 답변

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2024년 11월 15일 0:00
This behavior is expected. When the SSH connection is closed, it will terminate the command used to launch the admin agent, leading to the interface showing the “unknown state” messages as shown in this doc link: https://www.mathworks.com/help/polyspace_access/install/upload-examples-and-open-polyspace-access-interface.html  
However, it is important to note that stopping the admin agent does not stop Polyspace Access. Once the setup is complete, it is safe to stop the Docker admin agent. 

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