Reorienting Accelerometer data according to gravity

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
tomzooi 2015년 5월 13일
댓글: Benjamin Lemmer 2019년 3월 6일
Hello all,
I have three 26531x1 doubles vectors in matlab, one for the X, Y and Z-axis of accelerometer readings of about 5 minutes at 50Hz. From these accelerometer readings I want to calculate the relative slope. I want to use a 10s long (moving) median of all three axis (which I can calculate already) to determine the gravity component of the accelerometer.
The part I am stuck at however, is how to use the median vectors for X, Y and Z (same length) to reorient the original X,Y and Z values.
so basically I have xraw, yraw and zraw, together with xmed, ymed and zmed and I want to get to xreoriented, yreoriented and zreoriented. I want to end up with the angle between the median vectors (direction of gravity) and the gravity direction of the raw values.
I hope I made my question clear enough, if not please tell me and I'll fix it.
//edit: It just occurred to me that it might be suitable to go from three to two axis first (since I only need the resultant vector of the horizontal plane), then get the median, calculate both angles and substract them to get the difference... though I'm not certain...
  댓글 수: 3
tomzooi 2015년 5월 13일
Far from stationary, it is moving accelerometer on a vehicle carried by a user (think smartphone), and I want to compare the short term direction of gravity towards the longterm median in order to see if the car is tilted (forwards/sideways).
Benjamin Lemmer
Benjamin Lemmer 2019년 3월 6일
I know it has been a while - have you found a solution ? I am stuck at the same point.
Thanks in advance!

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Thomas Koelen
Thomas Koelen 2015년 5월 13일
This website explains it very well, also shows some example coding, it's matlab however:
  댓글 수: 1
tomzooi 2015년 5월 13일
It is something different then removing the gravity component, I actually want to know the angle between the long term (averaged or median) orientation and short term (to get relative angular movement basically).

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