The Longitudinal Driver block in virtual vehicle model in Simcape still keep small travel at idle part of preset cycle

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I have created a vritual vehicle model in Simsacpe and add Longitudinal Driver block to control vehicle can track preset cycle speed, in this cycle(eg.WLTP),there are many idle part.
But,the vehicle would not flow velocity targetin idle part. the idle part was long for 10sec, and the vehicle from a higher velocty decreased to low velocity (0.8m/s) at idle part start point ,and spend 9sec reach target(0m/s) slowly. Plus,in these period , except at idle start point,Acc pedal remain 2% travel,but the brake pedal kept 0.
As i understand, in idle part ,the vhicle speed should reach target (0m/s) quikly, and keep it till idle part end.and in this period Acc pedal remain 0% travel,but the brake pedal kept 0 or 100% for standstill.
  댓글 수: 1
Lorenzo 2024년 11월 7일
Hello Tao,
Not really sure what is happening here. I have a couple of questions:
1) Which vehicle model are you using? Did you build it yourself? Or are you using the Virtual Vehicle Composer? Or a shipping Example?
2) How did you actually connect the driver model? Did you connect the driver model back to the vehicle creating a closed loop?
3) Could you provide a plot of the desired speed profile and the acutal speed profile followed by the vehicle? Thank you in advance!

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