I need to combine two channels of cell arrays into a single matrix for processing. The two channels should be the same size but in some cases not - how can I change the size?
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
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channelData = cell(2, 1);
I have tried code like this but it states the concatenation dimesnions are inconsistent:
% Ensure both channels have the same number of samples
numSamplesCh1 = length(channelData{1});
numSamplesCh2 = length(channelData{2});
if numSamplesCh1 > numSamplesCh2
numSamplesCh1 = numSamplesCh2;
mycell = trimdata(channelData,numSamplesCh1);
numSamplesCh2 = numSamplesCh1;
mycell = trimdata(channelData,numSamplesCh2);
combinedData = [channelData{1}, channelData{2}];
The above code combines the channels but in some cases they are wrong size. How can I resize the ChannelData{1} and ChannelData{2} so they are the smallest size of the two (please)?
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채택된 답변
2024년 11월 6일
편집: Voss
2024년 11월 7일
Assuming that channelData is a 2-element cell array, that channelData{1} and channelData{2} are both column vectors, and you want to combine them into a matrix with two columns, then you can use trimdata to do so like this:
% n: length of shorter vector
% idx: index (1 or 2) of shorter vector in channelData
[n,idx] = min([numel(channelData{1}) numel(channelData{2})]);
% trim the longer vector (3-idx makes 1 become 2 and vice versa) to length n
channelData{3-idx} = trimdata(channelData{3-idx},n);
% combine the vectors into an n-by-2 matrix
combinedData = [channelData{:}];
If you don't want to overwrite channelData, then use a temporary variable instead:
tmp = channelData;
tmp{3-idx} = trimdata(tmp{3-idx},n);
combinedData = [tmp{:}];
Your mistake was using trimdata to trim the cell array channelData itself rather than the contents of one of its cells (i.e., channelData{1} or channelData{2}, whichever is longer). That and not using the assigned output mycell, so that you were not actually modifying channelData at all before attempting to concatenate its contents.
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