"For Iteration" output index appears to perform parallel selector indexing in series instead

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I am attempting to use a selector to compare the same index values from two different vectors for a logical operation. However, it appears the first selector goes through all index values (holds the last value) and then the next selector appears to index through all values so that the comparison logic is only using the last possible selection from the first selector to compare with each of the second selector values. Instead of the same index value for each selector (parallel).

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 11월 1일
It sounds as if you have something of the form
for J = 1:length(FirstVector)
%some operation
for K = 1:length(SecondVector)
%some other operation
where you should instead be using
for J = 1 : length(FirstVector)
for K = 1 : length(SecondVector)
%some operation
But more likely you need
for J = 1 : min(length(FirstVector), length(SecondVector))
t1 = FirstVector(J);
t2 = SecondVector(J);
%some operation on t1, t2
  댓글 수: 2
Mike 2024년 11월 5일
My issue was related to my initial conditions, rather than the "for iteration" block. i appreciate the help regardless!

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