I'm trying to build - dlhdl.buildProcessor for Altera SoC
1 % set path
hdlsetuptoolpath('ToolName', 'Altera Quartus II','ToolPath', 'C:\Altera\23.3\quartus\bin64\quartus.exe');
%test !quartus - it's ok
2 % Setup my DL Processor
customhPC = dlhdl.ProcessorConfig;
customhPC.ProcessorDataType = 'int8';
customhPC.TargetPlatform = 'Intel Arria 10 SoC development kit';
3 % build
dlhdl.buildProcessor(customhPC) % and then I get an error:
- Error using downstream.tool.messageToolNotAvailable
Selected synthesis tool "Altera QUARTUS II" is not available on the system path.
For MATLAB 'Altera QUARTUS II' it's not equal 'Altera Quartus II' ??
(Win11 + R2024a)