ltefadingchannel built-in function

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
zizi ahmed
zizi ahmed 2024년 10월 28일
답변: Steven Lord 2024년 10월 29일
I want to see the internal code of ltefadingchannel function.

답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 28일
See for more information about internships at Mathworks.
I always like to say that a $US 5 million non-refundable deposit is enough to get you a meeting with Mathworks to discuss the terms of granting access to Mathworks source code. (I estimate the price to see the source code for ltefadingchannel to be roughly $US 40 million.)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 10월 29일
which -all ltefadingchannel
So this is a MATLAB code file.
dbtype 189 lteFadingChannel.m
189 function [out,info] = lteFadingChannel(varargin)
It's a MATLAB function file. You can type it, dbtype it, or (if you are very careful not to edit it) edit it assuming you have LTE Toolbox installed.
ver lte
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version: (R2024b) Update 1 MATLAB License Number: 40912989 Operating System: Linux 5.15.0-1062-aws #68~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 15:24:09 UTC 2024 x86_64 Java Version: Java 1.8.0_292-b10 with AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LTE Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b)


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