Code generation for an S-function

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Anh 2024년 10월 18일
편집: Kanishk 2024년 11월 13일
Dear community,
I have a custom C file, generated from casadi tool, that is integrated into a wrapper and called sucessfully by an S-function block in a Simulink model. Simulation is working properly. Now I am struggling with the code generation for this simulink model for the implementation in a microcontroller. The custom C file has dependencies on the IPOPT library, so when generating C code for the Simulink model, it complains unrecognized symbols as in the picture below.
After having crossed some posts, I have learnt that, the file rtwmakecfg.m should be created and left in the same folder of the .mex file. In this file, the library 'ipopt.lib' is also included in the field makeInfo.linkLibsObjs.
The file ipopt.lib is actually left in the same folder. However, the code generation still fails as in the following picture. The .lib file doesn't seem recognized.
I am confused here, because the .lib file is in the same folder with the .mex and rtwmakecfg.m. Could you please share with me how to resolve the issue? Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
  댓글 수: 1
Hitesh 2024년 10월 21일
Hi @Anh
Could you provide your files so I can reproduce the error on my end and investigate its root cause further?

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Kanishk 2024년 11월 13일
편집: Kanishk 2024년 11월 13일
Hi @Anh,
I went through the documentation of CasADi tool. Although it supports self-contained C-code for a large subset of function objects, but code generation is not supported for ipopt” as of CasADi 3.5.
Here is a blog by CasADi to use "ipopt" with Simulink. They are using S-function dependent on CasADi runtime.
Hope this helps!


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