PID controller behaves strangely for larger Ts values

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Wynand 2024년 10월 17일
편집: Sam Chak 2024년 10월 17일
I am designing a PID controller for a rudimentary elevator system
The elevator has to take more than 5s to arrive at the next floor but no more than 6s
The transfer function is as follows:
syms Ki Kd Kp s
M = 1019;
B = 100;
K = 19875;
den=[M B K];
G = tf(num, den)
G = 1 ------------------------ 1019 s^2 + 100 s + 19875 Continuous-time transfer function.
Zeta = 1;
Ts = 5;
Wn = 0.8;
Using the PID function
GC = (Kp*s + Ki + Kd*s^2)/s
The close loop function is found to be:
T = (Kp*s + Ki + Kd*s^2)/(M*s^3 + B*s^2 + K*s + Kp*s + Ki + Kd*s^2)
Comparing this with the ITAE ideal tranfer function for a third order system yields the following equations
ITAE_tf3 = vpa(Wn^3/(s^3 + (Wn)*s^2 + (Wn^2)*s + Wn^3))
Kp = (2.15)*(M)*(Wn^2)-(K)
Kp = -1.8473e+04
Ki = M*(Wn^3)
Ki = 521.7280
Kd = (1.75)*(M)*(Wn)-B
Kd = 1.3266e+03
However the large Kp value drives the system downwards when it should be going up and the large integrator value also causes some issues
Changing zeta and ts gives me a results that is almost what I need
overshoot = 10/100;
Zeta = (-log(overshoot))/sqrt(pi^2+(log(overshoot)^2));
% Zeta = 1
Ts = 2.4;;
Wn = 4/(Zeta*Ts);
But of course the Ts value is too high.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

답변 (1개)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024년 10월 17일
편집: Sam Chak 2024년 10월 17일
There are a few things for which you can find detailed explanations in control theory books. In short, the ideal ITAE third-order transfer function is different from your actual PID-controlled third-order transfer function.
Blunder: Two coefficients are missing in your version of the ITAE third-order transfer function.
While your derived PID-controlled third-order transfer function is correct, to make an apples-to-apples comparison, we must divide both the numerator and the denominator by M.
%% Plant TF
M = 1019;
B = 100;
K = 19875;
num = [1];
den = [M B K];
Gp = tf(num, den)
Gp = 1 ------------------------ 1019 s^2 + 100 s + 19875 Continuous-time transfer function.
%% Ideal TF
wn = 3; % Tune this parameter only, DO NOT individually tune P-I-D gains (Always use single parameter tuning!)
Gi = tf(wn^3, [1, 1.781*wn, 2.171*wn^2, wn^3])
Gi = 27 ------------------------------ s^3 + 5.343 s^2 + 19.54 s + 27 Continuous-time transfer function.
step(Gi, 5), grid on
title('Step response of Ideal TF')
%% Pole placement
ki = M*wn^3;
kp = 2.171*M*wn^2 - K;
kd = 1.781*M*wn - B;
Gc = pid(kp, ki, kd)
Gc = 1 Kp + Ki * --- + Kd * s s with Kp = 35.2, Ki = 2.75e+04, Kd = 5.34e+03 Continuous-time PID controller in parallel form.
%% Closed-loop TF
Gcl = minreal(feedback(Gc*Gp, 1))
Gcl = 5.245 s^2 + 0.03458 s + 27 ------------------------------ s^3 + 5.343 s^2 + 19.54 s + 27 Continuous-time transfer function.
zero(Gcl) % to be cancelled out later
ans =
-0.0033 + 2.2689i -0.0033 - 2.2689i
step(Gcl, 5), grid on
title('Step response of Closed-loop TF')
%% Design of Prefilter, Gf
[num, den] = tfdata(Gcl, 'v');
Gf = tf(den(end), num)
Gf = 27 -------------------------- 5.245 s^2 + 0.03458 s + 27 Continuous-time transfer function.
%% Filtered Closed-loop TF
Fcl = minreal(series(Gf, Gcl))
Fcl = 27 ------------------------------ s^3 + 5.343 s^2 + 19.54 s + 27 Continuous-time transfer function.
step(Fcl, 5), grid on
title('Step response of Filtered Closed-loop TF')
My preferred control architecture: Simple yet accurate!
%% My PID controller
Ts = 5.5; % Desired Settling Time (single tuning parameter)
[Gc, Gh] = chakpid(Gp, Ts) % Gc in forward path, Gh in feedback path
Gc = 1 Kp + Ki * --- + Kd * s s with Kp = 1.03e+03, Ki = 367, Kd = 725 Continuous-time PID controller in parallel form. Gh = 2.862 s^2 - 25.29 s + 0.5059 ---------------------------- s^2 + 1.423 s + 0.5059 Continuous-time transfer function.
%% Closed-loop System
Gcl = minreal(feedback(Gc*Gp, Gh))
Gcl = 0.7113 s^4 + 2.024 s^3 + 2.159 s^2 + 1.024 s + 0.1821 --------------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 3.556 s^4 + 5.059 s^3 + 3.598 s^2 + 1.28 s + 0.1821 Continuous-time transfer function.
S = stepinfo(Gcl) % Performances
S = struct with fields:
RiseTime: 3.0891 TransientTime: 5.5000 SettlingTime: 5.5000 SettlingMin: 0.9002 SettlingMax: 0.9995 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.9995 PeakTime: 10.7900
step(Gcl, round(3*Ts, 0)), grid on, grid minor
%% Double compensation control scheme
function [C, H] = chakpid(P, Ts)
% Gp is a 2nd-order Plant
% Ts is the desired settling time
[numP, denP] = tfdata(minreal(P), 'v');
a1 = denP(2);
a2 = denP(3);
b = numP(3);
Tc = -log(0.02)/Ts; % Desired time constant
%% The formulas
k1 = (3*(b^2)*((Tc/b)^2) - a2)/b;
k2 = (b^2)*((Tc/b)^3);
k3 = (3*b*(Tc/b) - a1)/b;
k4 = 2*b*((Tc/b)^2); % P-gain of PID controller
k5 = k2; % I-gain of PID controller
k6 = Tc/b; % D-gain of PID controller
C = pid(k4, k5, k6); % Classical PID controller
H = minreal(tf([k3 k1 k2], [k6 k4 k5])); % Compensator at the Sensor path


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