Configuration parameters not editable or not available - R2024a

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Djordje 2024년 10월 16일
댓글: Djordje 2024년 10월 21일
I am doing setup of Configuration Parameters.
Based on "Code Generation Advisor" output, I have to fix few parameters. Issue arises when I try to find them, they are not available.
I use ert_custom.tlc, which is based on the built-in ert.tlc. Only difference is that I removed suffix of the generated folder.
Original "Configuration Parameters" are stored in the dictionary which is linked to the model I use.
I am facing the following issues:
  • Build configuration -> grayed out, not changable
  • Combine signal/state structures (CombineSignalStateStructs) -> not available in the dialog
  • non-finite numbers (SupportNonFinite) -> not available in the dialog
  댓글 수: 2
Hitesh 2024년 10월 17일
Could you share the Simulink file along with the ert_custom.tlc file? This would allow me to reproduce the issue and investigate the root cause of it.
Djordje 2024년 10월 17일
Because of the confidentiality, I couldn't share original project.
But, in attachments, there is a simple project based on the original one in terms of the config structure, where the issue is reproducible.

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Hitesh 2024년 10월 21일
편집: Hitesh 2024년 10월 21일
Hi Djordje,
The error you encountered is due to the ert_custom_issue.tlc file. The .tlc file that you have shared was having "rtwgensettings.BuildDirSuffix" set to empty which was causing these options to be disabled. You have to modify the " rtwgenSettings" structure to inherit options from the ERT target, then you will get "CombineSignalStateStructs","SupportNonFinite" and "Build configuration" options enabled. Refer to the below code:
rtwgensettings.BuildDirSuffix = '_ert_custom_issue_rtw';
rtwgensettings.DerivedFrom = 'ert.tlc';
rtwgensettings.Version = '1';
For more information on "Create ERT-Based, Toolchain Compliant System Target File" refer to the below MATLAB documentation,
  댓글 수: 1
Djordje 2024년 10월 21일
Hello @Hitesh,
Thanks for your clarifications.
I made BuildDirSuffix empty in order to remove suffix of the directory where code is generated. This is requirement from the project, in order to have the history of the generated code independent of the type of generation.
I made the following changes, and now everything except "Build configuration -> grayed out, not changable" works. But, it is totally acceptable.
So, final changes in customized .tlc file are:
rtwgensettings.BuildDirSuffix = '';
rtwgensettings.DerivedFrom = 'ert.tlc';
rtwgensettings.Version = '1';

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