Hi @ Hanlin Wang,
You mentioned, “ However, when running the command I keep running into the error "Unable to perform assignment because value of type 'dfilt.df2sos' is not convertible to 'double'." on line bppf(i) = dfilt.df2sos(s,g);”
You did not provide full code by not defining parameters for variables ap and as in the code provided by you.
% filter design [N Wn] = buttord([omp1/pi omp2/pi],[oms1/pi oms2/pi],ap,as);
These variables typically represent the maximum allowable passband ripple and the minimum stopband attenuation, respectively. However, I defined them by using synthetic numbers and was able to execute the code with no problems, please see attached.

After analyzing error you encountered while trying to create an array of bandpass filters using the dfilt.df2sos command in MATLAB, it indicates a type mismatch when attempting to assign a filter object to a numeric array. This issue raised from the initialization of the bppf array. So, in MATLAB, when you initialize bppf as a numeric array using zeros(8), it can only hold numeric values, not objects like dfilt.df2sos. To resolve this, you should initialize bppf as a cell array, which can store different types of data, including objects. Here’s how you can modify your code:
bppf = cell(1, 8); % Initialize bppf as a cell array for i = 1:8 % bandedge frequencies for analog filter (T=1) omp1 = 2*tan(wpp1(i)/2); omp2 = 2*tan(wpp2(i)/2); oms1 = 2*tan(wss1(i)/2); oms2 = 2*tan(wss2(i)/2);
% filter design [N, Wn] = buttord([omp1/pi omp2/pi], [oms1/pi oms2/pi], ap, as); [z, p, k] = butter(N, Wn, 'bandpass'); [s, g] = zp2sos(z, p, k); bppf{i} = dfilt.df2sos(s, g); % Store the filter object in the cell array end fvtool(bppf{1}, bppf{2}, bppf{3}, bppf{4}, bppf{5}, bppf{6}, bppf{7}, bppf{8});
By using a cell array, you can successfully store the filter objects and analyze them with fvtool. Additionally, make sure that your MATLAB environment is properly set up, as running code in a web browser may introduce other limitations.
Please let me know if this helped resolved your problem.