MATLAB Mechanic explorer loading slow compare to simulink simulation.

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
khoi tang
khoi tang 2024년 9월 19일
답변: Abhas 2024년 12월 6일
I am runinng a simple robot simulation on my desktop, while the simulink section runs fast, the mechanic explorer take a long time to catchup, ie 10+min. I have tried running the model on a different device and it ran fine. The device I am currently using have more ram, better GPU and CPU. Here is a list of a few things i have tried:
  • I deleted all version of matlab and install the latest version
  • I have move my foler to the same hard drive as matlab
  • download matlab on my boot dirve
  • i have tried running "matlab -softwareopengl" on my cmd and "opengl hardwarebasic" on matlab
  • looking up the issue on chatgpt
  댓글 수: 2
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang 2024년 9월 21일
Is it possible to share your model for the community to reproduce and investigage your problem?
khoi tang
khoi tang 2024년 9월 23일
Here is the attached model, i have also included the STL file for the geometry, When i turn of the mechaninc explorer, the simulation take alot longer to load.

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답변 (1개)

Abhas 2024년 12월 6일
The issue likely lies in rendering or software configuration, not hardware. MATLAB's Mechanics Explorer relies on OpenGL, and the problem may stem from drivers, rendering settings, or MATLAB preferences. Here's how to address it:
  • Ensure OpenGL is Optimally Configured: Run these commands in MATLAB:
opengl hardware
opengl info
%Verify GPU acceleration is enabled. If not, the GPU driver or configuration may be the issue.
  • Update GPU Drivers: Download the latest drivers from the GPU manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel). Install and restart the system.
  • Lower Graphics Fidelity: Reduce rendering load by setting Mechanics Explorer to low graphics mode:
mech_explorer = simevents.ExplorationSettings();
mech_explorer.GraphicsRenderingMode = 'low';
You may refer to the below documentation link that might help you resolve your issue:


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