picking data from excel

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Purushottama Rao
Purushottama Rao 2015년 5월 6일
댓글: Purushottama Rao 2015년 5월 7일
Hi I have an excel sheet which contains the names of the people (strings)as the first coulmn. Remaining coloumns contains the information (numeric data) such as height,age etc..
I would like to pick up the data corresponding to the given name and display it. Pls help me.

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Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal 2015년 5월 6일
matlab provides an extensive documentation on xlsread. Please try and see if this helps
doc xlsread
  댓글 수: 3
Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal 2015년 5월 6일
편집: Nobel Mondal 2015년 5월 6일
This is a rough outline. You may refer the documentation for finding specific refinement for your use case (like, sheet names, cell ranges etc)
[~,~,rawdata] = xlsread('myspreadsheet.xlsx'); % Get everything in a cell-array
myRow = find(strcmp(rawdata, my_match_string));
myRowInfo = rawdata(myRow, 2:end);
You would get all the numeric values in that row in a cell array.
2. Assuming, your first row is reserved for the column names (and first column for the people-name), your numeric data should be in a (totalrows-1, totalcolumns-1) block in the spreadsheet. In this case, the following code should give you a numeric array.
[numdata, txtdata, ~] = xlsread('myspreadsheet.xlsx'); % get numbers and strings separately
myRow = find(strcmp(txtdata, my_match_string));
myRowInfo = numdata(myRow-1, :);
Purushottama Rao
Purushottama Rao 2015년 5월 7일
Thanks a lot. That gave me good info

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