Errors while linking unreal engine to matlab

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Ketan 2024년 9월 13일
편집: Ketan 2024년 9월 19일
Unreal Engine: 5.1.1
Matlab Release: R2024a
I am trying to make a custom scene in unreal engine, for that I installed Aerospace Toolbox Unreal ENgine Interface, after installing, when I try to opne the editor using
I get following message:
I tried to build it through IDE but it gave me the following error:
I need help resolving this issue.

채택된 답변

Nishan Nekoo
Nishan Nekoo 2024년 9월 13일
Hi Ketan,
I believe this error regarding the MathWorks Geospatial plugin is suggesting that you have not installed CesiumForUnreal, which is necessary when using the Aerospace Blockset interface to Unreal Engine.
Please note the specific version of CesiumForUnreal needed for your version of MATLAB and please place the CesiumForUnreal plugin folder in the \UE_5.1\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace directory.
Regarding the first error, are you upgrading from an older version of MATLAB or are you installing these plugins for the first time?
Let me know if installing the Cesium plugin works for you to resolve the IDE build!
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Nishan Nekoo
Nishan Nekoo 2024년 9월 18일
Hi Ketan, I believe this should be possible.
Please follow the instructions here but select Linux instead of Windows:
Let me know if you still run into issues after following the instructions on that page.
Ketan 2024년 9월 19일
편집: Ketan 2024년 9월 19일
Hey Nishan,
I am sure I've followed those steps, yet I am getting the same error;
Library 'E:\MATLAB\R2024a\bin\glnxa64\' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'MathWorksSimulation'
Missing precompiled manifest for 'MathWorksAerospace', 'E:\UE_5.1\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MathWorks\MathWorksSimulation\Intermediate\Build\Linux\B4D820EA\UnrealGame\Development\MathWorksAerospace\MathWorksAerospace.precompiled'. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set 'PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;' in to override. If part of a plugin, also check if its 'Type' is correct.
Attaching the log for reference.

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