Issue with plotting order

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Emily Barber
Emily Barber 2024년 9월 9일
댓글: Jatin 2024년 9월 11일
I have been trying to plot a shaded area (right y-axis) behind two lines (left y-axis), as shown in the code below. However, the shaded area always appears last, covering up the two lines. I've done this kind of graph before but have never had this issue. Best I can tell, it is because the right y-axis is plotted last. Is there a way to make the right y-axis plotted first? I can't simply switch which data is on the axis, unfortunately: they need to be in this order. Thanks for any help!
clear; clc; close all;
Data = xlsread("FigureOfMeritResults.xlsx");
% Extract data
Date = Data(469:1908,1);
FoM = Data(469:1908,3);
GHI = Data(469:1908,4);
% Calculate the running average over 5 data points
FoM_avg = movmean(FoM, 5);
GHI_avg = movmean(GHI, 5);
dFoM = zeros(length(FoM),1) + mean(FoM);
ticks = {'12:00AM','4:00AM','8:00AM','12:00PM','4:00PM','8:00PM','12:00AM'};
fz = 15;
fig = figure;
GHI_color = [0.8 0.8 1];
yyaxis left;
p1 = scatter(Date, FoM, 'Marker', '.', 'SizeData', 15, 'MarkerFaceColor', "#0072BD");
hold on;
p2 = scatter(Date, dFoM, 'Marker', '_', 'SizeData', 15, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'black');
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = 'k';
yyaxis right;
xData = [Date; flipud(Date)];
yData = [zeros(size(GHI)); flipud(GHI)];
fillHandle = fill(xData, yData, GHI_color,'EdgeColor','none');
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = 'k';
xlabel('Time of Day (hrs)', 'FontSize', fz);
numTicks = length(ticks);
tickPositions = linspace(min(Date), max(Date), numTicks);
set(gca, 'FontSize', fz);
ax = gca;
box on;

채택된 답변

Jatin 2024년 9월 9일
편집: Jatin 2024년 9월 11일
If you refer to the documentation on "Graphics Objects Hierarchy," you'll see that the plotting order is based on the sequence in which graphic objects are created. In your code, since the shaded area is plotted last, it should appear on top of the lines.
A solution to this should be using "uistack" function to bring the lines to the front. Apparently, If you go through the following MATLAB Answers post, people have noticed that using "uistack" does not seem to work with "yyaxis" and have adviced to use "SortMethod" property to fix this as a workaround.
Please check if the following workaround is effective for you:
clear; clc; close all;
Data = xlsread("FigureOfMeritResults.xlsx");
% Extract data
Date = Data(469:1908,1);
FoM = Data(469:1908,3);
GHI = Data(469:1908,4);
% Calculate the running average over 5 data points
FoM_avg = movmean(FoM, 5);
GHI_avg = movmean(GHI, 5);
dFoM = zeros(length(FoM),1) + mean(FoM);
ticks = {'12:00AM','4:00AM','8:00AM','12:00PM','4:00PM','8:00PM','12:00AM'};
fz = 15;
fig = figure;
GHI_color = [0.8 0.8 1];
yyaxis left;
p1 = scatter(Date, FoM, 'Marker', '.', 'SizeData', 15, 'MarkerFaceColor', "#0072BD");
hold on;
p2 = scatter(Date, dFoM, 'Marker', '_', 'SizeData', 15, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'black');
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = 'k';
yyaxis right;
xData = [Date; flipud(Date)];
yData = [zeros(size(GHI)); flipud(GHI)];
fillHandle = fill(xData, yData, GHI_color,'EdgeColor','none');
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.YColor = 'k';
xlabel('Time of Day (hrs)', 'FontSize', fz);
numTicks = length(ticks);
tickPositions = linspace(min(Date), max(Date), numTicks);
set(gca, 'FontSize', fz);
set(gca, 'SortMethod', 'depth')
ax = gca;
box on;
You can know more about 'SortMethod' by referring to the documentation below:
Hope this helps!
  댓글 수: 5
Emily Barber
Emily Barber 2024년 9월 11일
This worked! Thank you so much!
Jatin 2024년 9월 11일
My pleasure!

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Voss 2024년 9월 10일
Data = readmatrix("FigureOfMeritResults.xlsx");
% Extract data
Date = Data(469:1908,1);
FoM = Data(469:1908,3);
GHI = Data(469:1908,4);
% Calculate the running average over 5 data points
FoM_avg = movmean(FoM, 5);
GHI_avg = movmean(GHI, 5);
dFoM = zeros(length(FoM),1) + mean(FoM);
ticks = {'12:00AM','4:00AM','8:00AM','12:00PM','4:00PM','8:00PM','12:00AM'};
fz = 15;
fig = figure;
GHI_color = [0.8 0.8 1];
xData = [Date; flipud(Date)];
yData = [zeros(size(GHI)); flipud(GHI)];
fillHandle = fill(xData, yData, GHI_color,'EdgeColor','none');
ax1 = gca();
set(ax1, ...
'Box','off', ...
xlabel(ax1,'Time of Day (hrs)', 'FontSize', fz);
tickPositions = linspace(min(Date), max(Date), numel(ticks));
ax1.PositionConstraint = 'innerposition';
ax2 = axes(fig, ...
'Units',ax1.Units, ...
'Position',ax1.Position, ...
'Color','none', ...
'FontSize',fz, ...
'XAxisLocation','top', ...
'YAxisLocation','right', ...
'XTick',tickPositions, ...
'XTickLabel',{}, ...
'PositionConstraint','innerposition', ...
p1 = scatter(ax2, Date, FoM, 'Marker', '.', 'SizeData', 15, 'MarkerFaceColor', "#0072BD");
p2 = scatter(ax2, Date, dFoM, 'Marker', '_', 'SizeData', 15, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'black');
set([ax1 ax2], ...
'LineWidth',2, ...
'XGrid','off', ...
'XMinorTick','off', ...
linkaxes([ax1 ax2],'x')


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