I want to symbolically integrate the following function using int
This is actually similar to convoution 
so this is what I did
syms z alpha lam_f u_f sigma ep
nCk = @(n,kVec,z)arrayfun(@(k)lam_f*exp(-lam_f*alpha).*(nchoosek(n,k)*(1*ep).^(k).*((1-ep)*normcdf(z,u_f,sigma)).^(n-(k)).*(normcdf(alpha-u_f-z,sigma))^k),kVec);
F(z,u_f,lam_f,ep)=int(sum(nCk(n,0:n,z)),alpha,0, z,'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints',true);
However, I get the following error
Unable to prove 'z < u_f & sigma == 0' literally. Use 'isAlways' to test the statement mathematically.
I tried also using isAlways