Unable to resolve the name
조회 수: 105 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
area = 1e-4; % Cell area in m^2 (1 cm^2)
ratio = 90/100; % Active material ratio
scan_rate = 0.01; % Scan rate for CV in V/s
voltage_range_cv = [1, 4]; % Voltage range for CV
voltage_range_iv = [-5, 5]; % Voltage range for I/V characteristic
temperature = 60; % Drying temperature in degrees Celsius
time_drying = 2; % Drying time in hours
% Create a battery model using Simscape Battery
battery = simscape.battery.CellModel.create("SingleParticleModel", 'CathodeMaterial', 'LiFePO4', 'AnodeMaterial', 'Graphite');
battery.CathodeArea = area;
battery.CathodeThickness = 70e-6; % Cathode thickness in meters (approximate)
battery.CathodeMaterialFraction = ratio;
% Simulation parameters
battery.InitialTemperature = 298; % Initial temperature in K
battery.CyclingTemperature = temperature + 273.15; % Convert to Kelvin
% Setup for Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
cv_simulation = simscape.battery.CyclicVoltammetry.create(battery);
cv_simulation.StartVoltage = voltage_range_cv(1); % Start voltage for CV
cv_simulation.EndVoltage = voltage_range_cv(2); % End voltage for CV
cv_simulation.ScanRate = scan_rate; % Scan rate in V/s
% Run CV simulation
results_cv = cv_simulation.run;
What is a problem with the code and how to fix it
댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
2024년 8월 31일
It appears that simscape.battery.CellModel.create needs the product Simscape Battery to be installed.
답변 (1개)
2024년 8월 31일
Hey Yogeshwari,
I understand that you’re encountering the “Unable to resolve the name” error in MATLAB. This issue often arises when MATLAB cannot find a function or variable you’re trying to use. In order to resolve this issue, please do the following:
- Make sure you are using the correct function/variable names.
- Make sure that other files are not shadowing the function you are trying to use. You can check this out by using the command "which -all functionName".
- The function you are using is on the MATLAB search path. You can use the "addpath" function to add the directory having the function on the search path. Refresing the path caches could also help. The following MATLAB Answer describes the same issue: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/480267-error-unable-to-resolve-name-issue
- If you are trying to run a script from command window, then do not use the ".m" extension. You may find the following MATLAB Answer useful for this case: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/553885-getting-the-error-unable-to-resolve-the-name-filename-m-while-trying-to-run-a-script
I hope this helps!
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