Adjusting table columns by a grouped value

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Desmond 2024년 8월 23일
댓글: Star Strider 2024년 8월 23일
When working with my dataset, I find that I need to adjust the data in ways that makes the plots more understandable. In this particular example, I'm trying to adjust the times in a table by finding the minimum value for every run, then subtracting the minimum value to every run so that each run in my dataset all start at t=0 on a plot.
I can find the mimium value, and have created a table with those values, however I am not sure how to apply these values to the main table, so that I can create an additional column with the adjusted time. I believe it has something to do with rowfun, but I can't figure out how to get around the different sizes of the rows to get a proper calculation. I will be adding what I have so far in an attachment. Thank you.
If it'll make any sense, I'm trying to do something akin to this in the code:
adjtfcn= @(times,mintime)(minus(times,mintime));
test, "inputvariables", [test.times,mint.min_times],...

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Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 8월 23일
One optiopn is to sue findgroups and then accumarray to create the different tables. They need to be separate since they are differnt lengths. The results appear to be sorted correctly by the ‘times’ variable.
Try this —
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes mint - 4683 table test - 1015708 table
mint = 26x3 table
cycleNumber GroupCount min_times ___________ __________ __________ 0 7176 300.03 1 7016 71966 2 1667 1.4203e+05 3 3263 1.759e+05 4 3203 2.0843e+05 5 3148 2.4037e+05 6 3100 2.7176e+05 7 4390 3.0266e+05 8 1833 3.6557e+05 9 1691 3.8382e+05 10 1656 4.0064e+05 11 1634 4.1711e+05 12 1616 4.3336e+05 13 5676 4.4942e+05 14 534 5.0608e+05 15 443 5.1133e+05
test = 59499x3 table
cycleNumber times EcellV ___________ ______ ______ 0 300.03 3.6273 0 300.03 3.6289 0 310.03 3.6984 0 320.03 3.7031 0 330.03 3.7052 0 340.03 3.7065 0 350.03 3.7074 0 360.03 3.708 0 370.03 3.7084 0 380.03 3.7085 0 390.03 3.7088 0 400.03 3.7089 0 410.03 3.7089 0 420.03 3.709 0 430.03 3.7091 0 440.03 3.709
[G,id] = findgroups(test.cycleNumber);
Result = accumarray(G, (1:numel(G)).', [], @(x){test(x,:)})
Result = 26x1 cell array
{7176x3 table} {7016x3 table} {1667x3 table} {3263x3 table} {3203x3 table} {3148x3 table} {3100x3 table} {4390x3 table} {1833x3 table} {1691x3 table} {1656x3 table} {1634x3 table} {1616x3 table} {5676x3 table} { 534x3 table} { 443x3 table}
ans = 7176x3 table
cycleNumber times EcellV ___________ ______ ______ 0 300.03 3.6273 0 300.03 3.6289 0 310.03 3.6984 0 320.03 3.7031 0 330.03 3.7052 0 340.03 3.7065 0 350.03 3.7074 0 360.03 3.708 0 370.03 3.7084 0 380.03 3.7085 0 390.03 3.7088 0 400.03 3.7089 0 410.03 3.7089 0 420.03 3.709 0 430.03 3.7091 0 440.03 3.709
ans = 4374x3 table
cycleNumber times EcellV ___________ __________ ______ 25 5.856e+05 3.8021 25 5.856e+05 3.8025 25 5.8561e+05 3.8104 25 5.8562e+05 3.8122 25 5.8563e+05 3.8134 25 5.8564e+05 3.8143 25 5.8565e+05 3.8151 25 5.8566e+05 3.8159 25 5.8567e+05 3.8165 25 5.8568e+05 3.817 25 5.8569e+05 3.8175 25 5.857e+05 3.818 25 5.8571e+05 3.8185 25 5.8572e+05 3.8191 25 5.8573e+05 3.8194 25 5.8574e+05 3.8199
  댓글 수: 5
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 8월 23일
There are three ways to specify the color of a line, as shown on this documentation page. There are only 8 that are named or have "short names" (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and white) but you can specify an RGB triplet or a hex color code. For example, if I want a line with a lot of blue, some red, and only a dash of green:
c = [0.4 0.1 0.9];
plot(1:10, 1:10, 'Color', c, 'LineWidth', 4) % Make it thick so it's easy to see
That's not a half bad purple. Or I could have used a hex color code. For a lot of red, some green, and only a little blue:
c = '#E08018';
plot(1:10, 1:10, Color = c, LineWidth = 4)
I'd call that orange or maybe a dark mustard. [Naming colors can be tricky.]
Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 8월 23일
As always, my pleasure!
Perhaps this —
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes mint - 4683 table test - 1015708 table
mint = 26x3 table
cycleNumber GroupCount min_times ___________ __________ __________ 0 7176 300.03 1 7016 71966 2 1667 1.4203e+05 3 3263 1.759e+05 4 3203 2.0843e+05 5 3148 2.4037e+05 6 3100 2.7176e+05 7 4390 3.0266e+05 8 1833 3.6557e+05 9 1691 3.8382e+05 10 1656 4.0064e+05 11 1634 4.1711e+05 12 1616 4.3336e+05 13 5676 4.4942e+05 14 534 5.0608e+05 15 443 5.1133e+05
test = 59499x3 table
cycleNumber times EcellV ___________ ______ ______ 0 300.03 3.6273 0 300.03 3.6289 0 310.03 3.6984 0 320.03 3.7031 0 330.03 3.7052 0 340.03 3.7065 0 350.03 3.7074 0 360.03 3.708 0 370.03 3.7084 0 380.03 3.7085 0 390.03 3.7088 0 400.03 3.7089 0 410.03 3.7089 0 420.03 3.709 0 430.03 3.7091 0 440.03 3.709
VN = test.Properties.VariableNames;
[G,id] = findgroups(test.cycleNumber);
Result = accumarray(G, (1:numel(G)).', [], @(x){test(x,:)});
for k = 1:numel(Result)
Result{k}.times = Result{k}.times - Result{k}.times(1);
% Result{1}
% Result{end}
cm = colormap(turbo(numel(Result)));
hold on
for k = 1:numel(Result)
plot(Result{k}.times, Result{k}.EcellV, 'DisplayName',sprintf('Cycle # %2s',Result{k}.cycleNumber(1)), 'Color',cm(k,:))
hold off
Choose whatever colormap you want.

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