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Global stability of an epidemiology

조회 수: 16 (최근 30일)
Sunday 2024년 8월 16일
편집: Sam Chak 2024년 8월 16일

I want to get the graph of the global stability and the R_0 of the model. Below is the code and the error message please I need help on how to fix the error and obtain a desired result clear; clc; % Define the parameters of the epidemic model alpha1 = 0.0444; alpha3 = 0.2; alpha0 =0.06685; alpha2 = 0.0000548; alpha4 =0.001096; kappa = 10^6; mu = 2.249*10^-5; lambda = 0.0546; omega =0; %(0, 0.9) phi =0.012 ; rho = 0.0031; tua =0.85 ; eta =0.33; a=0.028;

% Define the initial conditions of the epidemic model I0 = 0.01; S0 = 1 ; R0 = 0; E0=0; H0=0.68; % Define the time vector tspan = [0 10]; % Define the differential equations of the epidemic model ode=@(t,y)[alpha0-alpha1*lambda*S-mu*S+alpha2*omega*E+alpha4*R; alpha1*lambda*S -... (alpha2 + mu)*E; alpha2*(1-omega)*E - (alpha3 + phi+ mu)*I; alpha3*I - (alpha4 + mu)*R;... rho*(1-tau )*I+ (a-eta)*H]; % Solve the system of ODEs using the ode45 solver [t,y] = ode45(ode, tspan, [S0, E0, I0, R0, H0]); % Plot the results figure; plot(t, y(:,1), 'r', t, y(:,2), 'b', t, y(:,3), 'g', y(:,4), 'k', y(:,5), 'm'); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Population'); legend('Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered', 'Vibro cholera population'); % Calculate the basic reproduction number R0 n = alpha2*alpha0*(1-omega)*kappa*(eta-a)+rho*(1-tau); R0 = kappa*mu*(alpha2+mu)*(alpha3+phi+mu)*(eta-a)/n; % Determine the global stability of the epidemic model if R0 < 1 disp('The epidemic model is globally stable'); else disp('The epidemic model is globally unstable'); end

error Error in ode45 (line 113) [neq, tspan, ntspan, next, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, ...

Error in glo (line 32) [t,y] = ode45(ode, tspan, [S0, E0, I0, R0, H0]);

  댓글 수: 1
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024년 8월 16일
편집: Sam Chak 2024년 8월 16일
From the theory of system stability, you need to find the Lyapunov function to prove if the disease equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable or not. The basic reproduction number R₀ is just an indicator about the spread, but doesn't mathematically guarantee the stability. You can find this article. It is open access.

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채택된 답변

Torsten 2024년 8월 16일
% Define the parameters of the epidemic model
alpha1 = 0.0444; % transmission rate
alpha3 = 0.2; % fixed recovery rate
alpha0 =0.06685; % fixed birth rate
alpha2 = 0.0000548; % fixed exposed rate
alpha4 =0.001096; % fixed rate
kappa = 10^6; % fixed concentration rate of vibrio cholera in water bodies
mu = 2.249*10^-5; %fixed Natural death rate
lambda = 0.0546;
omega =0; %(0, 0.9) fixed rate of strong immune system
phi =0.012 ; % %fixed rate of death induced by cholera
rho = 0.0031; %contribution of each infected persons to the number of vibrio cholera
tau =0.85 ; %infectious class compliance to hygienic principles
eta =0.33; %death rate induced by of vibrio cholera
a=0.028; % birth rate of Vibrio cholera
% Define the initial conditions of the epidemic model
I0 = 0.01; % initial number of infected individuals
S0 = 1 ; % initial number of susceptible individuals
R0 = 0; % initial number of recovered individuals
E0=0; % initial number of exposed individuals
H0=0.68; % initial number of Vibrao cholera bacteria
% Define the time vector
tspan = [0 10];
% Define the differential equations of the epidemic model
Ode = @(t,S,E,I,R,H)[alpha0-alpha1*lambda*S-mu*S+alpha2*omega*E+alpha4*R; alpha1*lambda*S-...
(alpha2 + mu)*E; alpha2*(1-omega)*E-(alpha3 + phi+ mu)*I; alpha3*I-(alpha4 + mu)*R;...
ode = @(t,y)Ode(t,y(1),y(2),y(3),y(4),y(5));
% Solve the system of ODEs using the ode45 solver
[t,y] = ode45(ode, tspan, [S0, E0, I0, R0, H0]);
% Plot the results figure;
plot(t, y(:,1), 'r', t, y(:,2), 'b', t, y(:,3), 'g', t,y(:,4), 'k', t,y(:,5), 'm');
legend('Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered', 'Vibro cholera population');
% Calculate the basic reproduction number R0
n = alpha2*alpha0*(1-omega)*kappa*(eta-a)+rho*(1-tau);
R0 = kappa*mu*(alpha2+mu)*(alpha3+phi+mu)*(eta-a)/n;
% Determine the global stability of the epidemic model
if R0 < 1
disp('The epidemic model is globally stable');
disp('The epidemic model is globally unstable');
The epidemic model is globally stable

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