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Not enough input arguments. Need help please.
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Again with the same problem, I can't seem to find the solution to this problem. Can anyone find the solution to this problem.
function [kurtosis_1] = feature1(data,fs)
b = fir1(100,2*cutoff/fs,'high',chebwin(101));
kurtosis_1= kurtosis(data);
Error using feature1 (line 3)
Not enough input arguments.
댓글 수: 5
2015년 5월 4일
Please, Muhammad, be so kind and tell us, which is the "line 3". It cannot be "cutoff=100;", so I guess that there is an empty line anywhere? What is "data"? Is it a function handle?
답변 (2개)
2015년 5월 4일
편집: Stephen23
2015년 5월 4일
The green button on the toolbar runs code, but does not (by default) provide any arguments. You can use its default behavior for running:
- functions that do not require any input arguments
- scripts
Or you can alter the button's behavior by clicking Run just under the button and defining the code to get run:
댓글 수: 0
2015년 4월 29일
Dear Muhammad,
It seems that the function "feature1" needs more then two arguments. If you type in the MATLAB prompt:
>> edit feature1.m
You find the source code of feature1.m. Here you can see how many (and which) additional arguments you need.
Kind regards, Christiaan
댓글 수: 2
2015년 5월 4일
Dear Muhammad,
Since feature1.m is a hand made code, please copy the source code of feature1.m in this forum. How this can be done, is described in my answer from before.
Kind regards, Christiaan
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