B(v) =
According to proposition 4, the red curve should be the inverse bidding function X and the blue curve should be the inverse bidding function Y for the given value of gamma.
gamma = 0.3;
bs0 = 0.3;
bs = fsolve(@(b)fun(b,gamma),bs0,optimset('Display','None'))
fun_ode = @(b,z)[(1-gamma)*z(1)/(z(2)-b);z(2)/(z(1)-b);z(1)];
z0=[1 1 0];
[B,Z] = ode45(fun_ode,[bs,0],z0);
hold on
hold off
grid on
function res = fun(bs,gamma)
fun_ode = @(b,z)[(1-gamma)*z(1)/(z(2)-b);z(2)/(z(1)-b);z(1)];
z0=[1 1 0];
[B,Z] = ode45(fun_ode,[bs,0],z0);
res = bs - 0.5*(1+gamma*Z(end,3));