operations on nested cell array

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Aditya 2015년 4월 28일
답변: Jan 2015년 4월 28일
I have a cell array n "5290*1" which further contains cell array such that n{1,1} is a cell size "7*1" and n{1,1}{1,1} is 3*204 elements. How do i access the inner cell array elements if i need to perform operation on them e.g. min? I do not want to run for loop.
Many thanks for your help.

답변 (1개)

Jan 2015년 4월 28일
You have to do this in a loop. If you do not want to use loops, you need a different structure for the data.
Sometimes CELLFUN helps, but of course this runs loops internally also, so there is no real need to try to "avoid" loops.


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