HDL Coder Generation Error

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
hayk hovhannisyan
hayk hovhannisyan 2024년 6월 28일
댓글: hayk hovhannisyan 2024년 6월 28일
I get the following error message.
"Error using hdlcoder.pirctx/balancePathDelays
Unexpected error during HDL Code Generation.
Contact support@mathworks.com with reproduction steps.
Assertion failed with debug message:
B:\matlab\src\cgir_hdl\pir_transforms\PropagateInitVal.cpp:204:getInitVal(s) == InitVal::NOT_VISITED"
It seems like the error is not always there. After matlab and computer restarts combined with mutliple tries i eventiually get "lucky" and able to generate hdl. The model contains simulink nr ldpc decoder which I suspect is the problem.

답변 (1개)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali 2024년 6월 28일
Can you please share your model or reach out to tech support? This is not expected behavior. What version of MATLAB are you using? Thanks.
  댓글 수: 1
hayk hovhannisyan
hayk hovhannisyan 2024년 6월 28일
im using 2023b, ill reach out to tech support, thanks.

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