Matlab code for cantilever beam with point load at free end

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mamatha S
Mamatha S 2024년 6월 26일
답변: Aman 2024년 6월 26일
# * Item one
# * Item two

답변 (1개)

Aman 2024년 6월 26일
Hi Mamatha,
As per my understanding, the length of the cantilever beam (L) is 10 m and the point load (P) is 28 kN. So with the given information, we can say that the vertical reaction (RA) will be the same as P, and the moment reaction (MA) will be the product of P and L. Please find the code for the same below, which also includes the calculation of the deflectio (delta) at the free end:
L = 10;
P = 38 * 10^3;
RA = P;
MA = P * L;
E = 210 * 10^9; % Young's modulus (N/m^2)
I = 0.1; % Moment of inertia (m^4)
delta = (P * L^3) / (3 * E * I);
disp(['Vertical reaction at the fixed end (RA): ', num2str(RA), ' N'])
disp(['Moment reaction at the fixed end (MA): ', num2str(MA), ' N·m'])
disp(['Deflection at the free end (delta): ', num2str(delta), ' meters'])
I hope it helps!


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