
조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
yoshiki 2024년 6월 24일
댓글: yoshiki 2024년 6월 25일
RGB = imread('image.jpg');
[BW,maskedRGBImage] = createMask(RGB);
function [BW,maskedRGBImage] = createMask(RGB)
%createMask Threshold RGB image using auto-generated code from colorThresholder app.
% [BW,MASKEDRGBIMAGE] = createMask(RGB) thresholds image RGB using
% auto-generated code from the colorThresholder app. The colorspace and
% range for each channel of the colorspace were set within the app. The
% segmentation mask is returned in BW, and a composite of the mask and
% original RGB images is returned in maskedRGBImage.
% Auto-generated by colorThresholder app on 24-May-2024
% Convert RGB image to chosen color space
I = rgb2lab(RGB);
% Define thresholds for channel 1 based on histogram settings
channel1Min = 0.000;
channel1Max = 99.781;
% Define thresholds for channel 2 based on histogram settings
channel2Min = -26.783;
channel2Max = 32.161;
%channel2Max = -1.000;
% Define thresholds for channel 3 based on histogram settings
%channel3Min = -16.864;
channel3Min = 0.000;
channel3Max = 56.688;
% Create mask based on chosen histogram thresholds
sliderBW = (I(:,:,1) >= channel1Min ) & (I(:,:,1) <= channel1Max) & ...
(I(:,:,2) >= channel2Min ) & (I(:,:,2) <= channel2Max) & ...
(I(:,:,3) >= channel3Min ) & (I(:,:,3) <= channel3Max);
BW = sliderBW;
% Initialize output masked image based on input image.
maskedRGBImage = RGB;
% Set background pixels where BW is false to zero.
maskedRGBImage(repmat(~BW,[1 1 3])) = 0;

채택된 답변

Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno 2024년 6월 24일
RGB = imread('football.jpg');
maskedRGBImage = RGB; % createMask()の入出力サイズは同一なので省略
imwrite(maskedRGBImage, 'maskedRGBImage.jpg'); % しきい値画像をファイルに書き出す
clear maskedRGBImage
ImageFromFile = imread('maskedRGBImage.jpg'); % 同じファイルから読み込む
size(RGB) == size(ImageFromFile) % 元画像とファイルから読み込んだしきい値画像は同サイズか?
ans = 1x3 logical array
1 1 1
  댓글 수: 1
yoshiki 2024년 6월 25일

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