How to make a geometry transparent?
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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Hello brothers. I have a geometry and I want to make it transparent as some entities are disappeared. I have used the following commond but no results. Thank you.
mphviewselection(model,gm, 'facealpha', 0.5)
댓글 수: 1
2024년 6월 10일
편집: DGM
2024년 6월 10일
I don't know what those functions are, but the only thing in the figure are two patch objects. You can just set their FaceAlpha to 0.5. One of the objects is used for creating the wireframe edges. The other is used to shade the faces, so figure out which is which and adjust the facealpha on the one that's used for the faces.
채택된 답변
2024년 7월 12일
2024년 7월 12일
Hi Bacha,
I understand that you have a MATLAB figure consisting of several closed entities and you want to make the geometry of these entities 'translucent' so that the inner entities are also visible.
This can be done by adjusting the 'faceAlpha' property of the enclosing "patch" graphics objects in the figure.
Following code snippet shows the implementation based on the above logic -
fig = openfig('figure 2.fig')
% Get all the children of the figure
allChildren = findall(fig, '-property', 'FaceAlpha');
% Loop through each child and check if it is a patch object
for i = 1:length(allChildren)
child = allChildren(i);
if strcmp(get(child, 'Type'), 'patch')
% Set the transparency (FaceAlpha) to a desired value, e.g., 0.5
set(child, 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
Result -
For more details on the functions used, kindly refer the following documentations :
- Modify graphics objects -
- patch function -
- findall function -
Hope this answers your question
Vinayak Luha
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