Unable to download Support Package

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mohammed SETTI
Mohammed SETTI 2024년 6월 3일
댓글: Mohammed SETTI 2024년 6월 4일

Hello, Does anyone of you could share the offline files of the support packages for Texas Instruments C2000 and/or Arduino DUE under Matlab r2015b (win32). I ve tried all techniques to solve this issue but end up with no solutions. It seems that Mathworks' servers reject every download from this release (cf. Picture)!

답변 (1개)

Shivani 2024년 6월 4일
Support packages for MATLAB R2016a and previous releases are no longer available. You are encountering the above error in MATLAB R2015b due to this reason.
You will need to update to MATLAB R2016b or any version thereafter, preferably the latest release, as a workaround for this error. The following documentation link provides more insights on installing the latest release of MATLAB: https://www.mathworks.com/help/install/ug/get-new-matlab-release.html
  댓글 수: 1
Mohammed SETTI
Mohammed SETTI 2024년 6월 4일
Thank you @Shivani! Yes I know about the issue. The problem is that I should work with 32-bit and as you maybe know the R2015b is last release supporting 32-bit. One solution is to get the offline files of each supprt package and install them locally.

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