How to use speechClie​nt("wav2ve​c2.0") command

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Shilpa Sonawane
Shilpa Sonawane 2024년 5월 16일
댓글: Steven Lord 2024년 5월 23일
I need to convert speech into text.I used speechClient("wav2vec2.0") command but got the following error
Error using speechClient (line 26)
Expected apiName to match one of these values:
'Google', 'IBM', 'Microsoft'
The input, 'wav2vec2.0', did not match any of the valid values.
Please share the solution to resolve the error.

답변 (1개)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 5월 16일
From the speechClient documentation page: "Using wav2vec 2.0 requires Deep Learning Toolbox and installing the pretrained model."
Do you have Deep Learning Toolbox installed? I suspect this File Exchange submission is the "pretrained model" to which the documentation page refers.
  댓글 수: 5
Shilpa Sonawane
Shilpa Sonawane 2024년 5월 23일
I have installed wav2vec also. but still i got the same error.
Expected apiName to match one of these values:
'Google', 'IBM', 'Microsoft'
The input, 'wav2vec2.0', did not match any of the valid values.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 5월 23일
In that case I'm not sure why it's not working. You should probably contact Technical Support directly using this link.

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