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Error using open ep/require​ment/al/ke​ys/Require​mentsSourc​eKey when lauching Simulink Project

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
I got an 'Error using open ep/requirement/al/keys/RequirementsSourceKey" when I launch the Simulink Project. This error appears irregularily and I don't know what causes it and what it means !
Does any one know about it ?
With advance thanks !
Riad Boukhari.

답변 (1개)

Dhruv 2024년 5월 27일
Hi Mohamed,
To resolve this error, you might want to try out the following troubleshooting steps:
  • Ensure that all necessary files, models and external libraries are correctly set up and accessible. This involves setting up the project's path to include all relevant directories and confirming that any external dependencies are correctly located.
  • Try using the following command in the MATLAB Command Window:
rehash toolboxcache
This refreshes the internal cache that MATLAB uses to quickly locate functions and system toolboxes.
  • Ensure that you have the correct read/write permissions for all project files and directories. Insufficient permissions can lead to errors, as MATLAB and Simulink might be unable to access or modify necessary files.
  • You may also try updating MATLAB to the latest release. This will not only improve performance and compatibility but also resolve the errors that you are encountering.
However, if the issue still persists, you may reach out to MathWorks Technical Support for further assistance.
Hope this is helpful!
  댓글 수: 1
Riad 2024년 5월 29일
편집: Riad 2024년 5월 29일
Thank you for your answer,
Actually, the project paths are correctly set, furthermore a setup and tearDown scripts are managing Matlab Paths (in addition of the project paths). All the dependencies are inside the project scope also (using Conan to manage the dependencies).
The window error doesn't have an effect on the Matlab functioning, indeed I've just to close it and all work fine. However, it's annoying because I don't know what it means.
I'll contact Matlab support for that to have more info.

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