merge partially overlapping geotiff

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Nic Bac
Nic Bac 2024년 5월 13일
답변: praguna manvi 2024년 8월 8일
Hello, how can I merge two partially overlapping geotiff images to create a geo-referenced mosaic of the two? (i.e. also with the correct auxiliary .tfw file)
This guide here seem to be valid only for exactly adjacent tiles:
Thank you

답변 (1개)

praguna manvi
praguna manvi 2024년 8월 8일
To merge partially overlapping images, the imfuse function can be used, which creates a composite image while blending the overlapping regions. Here is the link to its documentation:
The composite image can then be placed onto maprefcells, using the same example in the documentation referenced above:


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