Difficulty using the database function

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Blue 2024년 5월 7일
댓글: Blue 2024년 5월 8일
Hi. I have Matlab 2021b and Matlab 2024a installed and with Matlab 2021b I can easily connect to a database via an ODBC bridge just like in the documentation example :
The same line of code doesnt work with Matlab 2024a. I get the error
Dot indexing into the result of a function call requires parentheses after the function name. The supported syntax is 'database().internal'.
Error in database (line 59)
connection = database.internal.utilities.hdatabase(varargin{:});
I dont get it. What am I doing wrong ?

채택된 답변

Naren 2024년 5월 8일
  댓글 수: 1
Blue 2024년 5월 8일
Indeed, I changed the pathdef and now it works. Thank you for your answer. I still dont understand how the pathdef might cause the error above however

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