Window not accommodate my formulated analytical equations (Qy), it might go thousands, probably due to coded through sprintf; any assistance please

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
my code need alot of data to nonlinear equation,
function [FUN] = magige222(matr)
matL=abs(matr); [NodLp,pQ]=size(matr); data1=3; data2=data1+2-1; Nod3=NodLp-data1; p=pQ-1; nodes=9; LP=Nod3-nodes; JJ=NodLp-8+1; HLD=0; % matr loop eqns; not general matrix (MAG)
FUN = 'FUN=@(Qy)[';
for j=JJ:NodLp % looping headloses eqns
for k=1:p
if (sum(matL(j,1:k))<=sum(matL(j,1:p)))&&matL(j,k)~=0 FUN = [FUN, sprintf('(%d.*Qy(%d).*abs(Qy(%d)*8.*L(1,%d)*1./(9.81*3.14.^2.*D(1,%d).^5).*(0.25.*(log10(ee./(3.7.*D(1,%d))+2.51*3.14*vs.*D(1,%d)./(4.*Qy(%d)).*(0.25.*(log10(ee./(3.7.*D(1,%d))+2.51*3.14*vs.*D(1,%d)./(4.*Qy(%d)).*(0.25.*(log10(ee./(3.7.*D(1,%d))+2.51*3.14*vs.*D(1,%d)./(4.*Qy(%d)).*0.00001.^-0.5)).^-2).^-0.5)).^-2).^-0.5)).^-2)))+',matr(j,k),k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k,k)]; end
if (k==p) FUN = [FUN, sprintf('(%d);',matr(j,k+1))]; end
for j=data2:NodLp-8 % Nodal mass balance eqns
for k=1:p
if (sum(matL(j,1:k))<=sum(matL(j,1:p)))&&(matL(j,k)~=0) FUN = [FUN, sprintf('(%d.*Qy(%d))+',matr(j,k),k)]; end
if (k==p) FUN = [FUN, sprintf('(%d);',matr(j,k+1))]; end % FUN = [FUN, sprintf('matr(j,k+1);',j,k)]; end
FUN = [FUN, '(1.*Qy(1))+(-1.*Qy(2))+(0);(1.*Qy(2))+(-1.*Qy(3))+(-1.*Qy(9))+(-1.*Qy(15))+(-5.900000e-02);(1.*Qy(3))+(-1.*Qy(4))+(-1.*Qy(8))+(-5.900000e-02);(1.*Qy(4))+(1.*Qy(5))+(-1.*Qy(7))+(-1.780000e-01);(-1.*Qy(5))+(1.*Qy(6))+(-1.*Qy(11))+(-1.*Qy(12))+(-5.900000e-02);(1.*Qy(7))+(-1.*Qy(10))+(1.*Qy(11))+(-1.*Qy(13))+(-1.900000e-01);(1.*Qy(8))+(1.*Qy(9))+(1.*Qy(10))+(-1.*Qy(14))+(-1.780000e-01);(1.*Qy(14))+(1.*Qy(20))+(1.*Qy(21))+(-9.100000e-02);(1.*Qy(16))+(1.*Qy(19))+(-1.*Qy(20))+(0);(1.*Qy(15))+(-1.*Qy(16))+(1.*Qy(17))+(0);(1.*Qy(17))+(-1.*Qy(18))+(-3.000000e-02);(1.*Qy(18))+(-1.*Qy(19))+(-3.000000e-02);(1.*Qy(12))+(1.*Qy(13))+(-1.*Qy(21))+(0)];'];
the output those I got as executed the code
8.*L(1,70)*1./(9.81*3.14.^2.*D(1,70).^5).*(0.25.*(log... Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length for Command Window display.
  댓글 수: 5
Rik 2024년 5월 4일
What are you trying to do?
Also, @Walter Roberson might have helped you before, but might not be aware of this thread.
Eng. FM
Eng. FM 2024년 5월 8일
Walter you have being assist me and our other collegues. Thank you for your tireless effort
Yes, my model stop to execute other assigned task; I think the space in window not enough as I got the following warn .. (could see above)
Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length
Yet, we still need your assistance

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