How to use antenna toolbox with a measured antenna ?

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Félix 2024년 5월 3일
댓글: Félix 2024년 5월 14일
Hello !
I am trying to plot an antenna pattern from in situ real measurements of an antenna. My measurements comprise X, Y Z in m and the measured attenuation in dB.
After conversion into azimuth and elevation, unfortunately, this does not seem compatible with either measuredAntenna or patterncustom.
With patterncustom I get the following error :
Error filling holes for shared_channel:patternCustom:RepeatedPoints.
Floating point numbers are not allowed as holes. They should be
converted to character vectors.
With measured antenna, MagE I do not have, as I only have the measured attenuation...
Anyway to get my antenna plots (3D and sections) from my measurements ?
Thanks in advance,
  댓글 수: 4
Ganapathi Subramanian R
Ganapathi Subramanian R 2024년 5월 9일
Hi Felix,
According to recent MATLAB documentation, the 'patternCustom' function requires antenna directivity, E-fields, H-fields, or power of an antenna or array as input for 'magE' parameter . I suggest you to transform the attentuation data into directivity by finding a correlation between the observed attentuation and directivity.
For further information regarding 'patternCustom' function, please refer to the below documentation.
Félix 2024년 5월 14일
thannks, it is what i had gathered as well...

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Pooja Kumari
Pooja Kumari 2024년 5월 9일
Hi Felix,
I unserstand you are trying to plot an antenna pattern from in situ real measurements of an antenna. You are facing "Error filling holes for shared_channel:patternCustom:RepeatedPoints.Floating point numbers are not allowed as holes. They should be converted to character vectors." error using Pattern Custom function.
If you have attenuation in dB (Attenuation), you can convert it to a relative magnitude scale by assuming that the attenuation is relative to the maximum signal strength you measured or a known reference.
I think the error will be resolved when the parameters are passed in the correct order as follows:
patternCustom(magE, theta, phi);
For more information on Pattern Custom function, you can refer to the below documentation:
  댓글 수: 1
Félix 2024년 5월 14일
I have tried that as well, unsuccesfully. I will try to measure something else than attenuation, thanks for your help

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