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how to convert numerical dataset to image ?

조회 수: 29 (최근 30일)
ghazaleh 2024년 4월 24일
답변: Image Analyst 2024년 4월 24일
I have a numeric dataset of 2816 x 2500 doubles. I want to convert it to an image format file for convolutional neural network input and then see some of these images. What command should I use?
the size of my file is too large for upload here...

답변 (2개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2024년 4월 24일
If you're building your own network then you can just design it to use your existing matrix size of 2816 x 2500. No need to reshape unless you want to downsize your data to make it train faster (but at the expense of less accuracy). I'm not sure if you'd need to scale the values to 0-1 double or 0-255 uint8 or not.
If you're doing "transfer learning" and starting out with a pre-built network such as AlexNet, GoogLeNet, UNet, Resnet, etc. then you will need to use reshape to force your data into the shape those networks require. They may also need color RGB images and in that case you'll have to convert your 2816 x 2500 matrix into color with cat
rgbData = cat(3, data, data, data);

Deepu 2024년 4월 24일
To convert a numerical dataset to an image using MATLAB, you can follow these steps:
  1. Reshape your dataset: Since you have a dataset of size 2816 x 2500, reshape it into a 2D matrix where each row represents a pixel and each column represents a feature or channel. This will create an image with dimensions 2816 x 2500.
% Assuming your dataset is named 'data'
reshaped_data = reshape(data, [2816, 2500]);
2.Scale the data: It's common to scale the data to the range [0, 1] for images. You can use mat2gray function to scale the data between 0 and 1.
scaled_data = mat2gray(reshaped_data);
3.Save the image: You can save the scaled data as an image file using the imwrite function. Specify the filename and the image format (e.g., 'png', 'jpg', 'tif').
imwrite(scaled_data, 'image.png');
To convert a numerical dataset to an image using MATLAB, you can follow these steps:
1.Reshape your dataset: Since you have a dataset of size 2816 x 2500, reshape it into a 2D matrix where each row represents a pixel and each column represents a feature or channel. This will create an image with dimensions 2816 x 2500.
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% Assuming your dataset is named 'data' reshaped_data = reshape(data, [2816, 2500]);
2.Scale the data: It's common to scale the data to the range [0, 1] for images. You can use mat2gray function to scale the data between 0 and 1.
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scaled_data = mat2gray(reshaped_data);
3.Save the image: You can save the scaled data as an image file using the imwrite function. Specify the filename and the image format (e.g., 'png', 'jpg', 'tif').
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imwrite(scaled_data, 'image.png');
Now, you have converted your numerical dataset to an image file named 'image.png'. You can view this image using any image viewer.
If you want to visualize some of these images in MATLAB, you can use the imshow function:
imshow(scaled_data); % Display the image
You can also display multiple images using subplot:
for i = 1:num_images_to_display
subplot(1, num_images_to_display, i);
Replace num_images_to_display with the number of images you want to visualize.
  댓글 수: 1
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2024년 4월 24일
Was this an AI generated answer? For one thing, he already has a 2816x2500 matrix so there is no need to reshape it. And you repeated the answer so it's in there twice. AI frequently gets answers wrong.

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