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Unable to install mlpkginstall files on computer without Internet access

조회 수: 26 (최근 30일)
I have MATLAB R2023B and R2024A installed on my Windows 10 machine. This machine is on a closed network. I have been trying to use the new mlpkginstall add-on file type but I cannot figure out how to install the package without Add-On Manager needing to sign into the Mathworks web site. I have tried the Add-Ons -> Get Hardware Support Packages method, tried running the mlpkginstall file from the MATLAB file explorer pane. This is for both the IP camera add-on and the aerospacegeoiddata add-on.

채택된 답변

Mario Malic
Mario Malic 2024년 4월 23일
편집: Mario Malic 2024년 4월 23일
  댓글 수: 2
Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson 2024년 4월 24일
So MLKPKGINSTALL files cannot be installed on a computer without an internet connection?
Further, the option of downloading those files through the Add-On Explorer seems to have been taken away. The recommended workaround appears to be to run a new "Support Software Download" executable on a machine that has internet access in order to obtain the files. This process does not work well for users who are only allowed to execute software from an approved list.
Mario Malic
Mario Malic 2024년 4월 25일
Unfortunately, it seems that way. Maybe you can reach out to support.

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