AUTOSAR Code Generation Error in 2023b

조회 수: 27 (최근 30일)
태성 2024년 4월 23일
답변: Mohit Kumar 2024년 7월 24일
I have question because there is an error during the generation of the AUTOSAR Code
That Error comes from my laptop,
Below is the contents of the error

채택된 답변

Pooja Kumari
Pooja Kumari 2024년 4월 23일
I understand you are facing "Failed to obtain property SwimplPolicy of element with type Simulink.metamodel.arplatform.interface.FlowData in file C:/Users/User/ AppData/Local/Temp/ mwslx_App_FailSafe_e274b3be_88ca_4b51_8141_8771798ad6cc/autosar/ autosar.xmi:40" error during generation of AUTOSAR Code. Here is the possible workaround for the same:
  1. Delete Existing Mapping: Use the command autosar.api.delete(bdroot) in the MATLAB Command Window to remove the current AUTOSAR mapping.
  2. Recreate Mapping: Open the AUTOSAR app in MATLAB (autosarApp command) and recreate the mapping for your mode
  3. If the issue persits, upgrade to the latest update release of R2023b or to a newer MATLAB version.
You can refer to the beloe documentation for more information on Mapping AUTOSAR adaptive elemenrs for Code Generation:
  댓글 수: 3
태성 2024년 4월 23일
편집: 태성 2024년 4월 24일
Mr pooja @Pooja Kumari
I have one question more
my coworker set the autosar directory and code generation too
I just receive model with svn
coworker is AUTOSAR generation well
but my labtop is fail
I know why this phenomenon occure and can be solved by defalut setting, not by api deletion
thank you
Pooja Kumari
Pooja Kumari 2024년 4월 24일
please specify your issue, what is the exact error you are getting?

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Mohit Kumar
Mohit Kumar 2024년 7월 24일
Try Validating the Autosar Dictionary --> It will throw the same error --> Then Try opening the Autosar Dictionary it will open--> then Try validating again. No more issue present.


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