Raspberry Pi 5 Setup - MATLAB Support Package

조회 수: 171 (최근 30일)
Paulo 2024년 4월 10일
댓글: Prasanth Sunkara 2024년 11월 8일
I just acquired the new Raspberry Pi 5, and wanted to connect to it through MATLAB. I'm using MATLAB 2021b, and followed the steps in setting up the Support package page for Raspberry Pi hardware. However, when I am asked to select a board there is no option for the Raspberry Pi 5 model, which prompts to me to think that's not yet supported. Is this the case?

답변 (3개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 4월 10일
You can set up your Raspberry Pi hardware using either the MathWorks® Raspbian image or by customizing the Raspbian Linux operating system on your Raspberry Pi, namely Stretch or Buster. The MathWorks Raspbian image is composed of the latest Raspbian image with all the libraries and packages required to make the image compatible with MATLAB and Simulink®.
You can set up your Raspberry Pi hardware using any 32-bit Raspberry Pi Linux® operating system on your Raspberry Pi, namely Buster or Bullseye.
I speculate that your new Raspberry Pi has Bullseye installed.
  댓글 수: 1
Paulo 2024년 4월 11일
Hey. Apologies if the question was poorly formulated, but the issue I am having is not setting up the software itself. My Raspberry Pi hardware (Raspberry Pi 5) seems not to be supported by the current MATLAB support package (version 21.2.3). I just wanted confirmation whether this is the case in MATLAB 2021b. I am attaching an image for further clarification.

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MathWorks MATLAB Hardware Team
MathWorks MATLAB Hardware Team 2024년 4월 15일
Hi Paulo,
Currently ,Raspberry 5 is not supported till R2024a. But we are planning to support it in the upcoming releases.
MATLAB Hardware Team
  댓글 수: 7
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 6일
Sorry, R2024b does not support Raspberry Pi 5.
Sathish 2024년 10월 7일
Thank you for reply. Is there anyother way to use Raspberry pi 5 with MATLAB?

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MathWorks MATLAB Hardware Team
MathWorks MATLAB Hardware Team 2024년 10월 15일
The MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi includes support for the Raspberry Pi 5 (with Bookworm 32-bit OS) starting from the R2024b release. Please upgrade MATLAB to the R2024b version to use the MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi with the Raspberry Pi 5.
Note: The Camera Board, PWM, and Servo functions are not supported for the Raspberry Pi 5 in the R2024b MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi.
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 15일
According to https://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/raspberry-pi-matlab.html the Raspberry Pi 5 is not supported.
Prasanth Sunkara
Prasanth Sunkara 2024년 11월 8일
Thank you for pointing this out. It has been updated to reflect the Raspberry Pi 5 support from 24b.

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