How to dynamically change name of table?
조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
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This code below is just a very simple example of some analysis I am doing with my experimental results.
I am running 5 cycles of an experiment, results come out in a long txt file, I want to plot everything with a different color based on cycle number. So I am creating sub-tables from the main table based on the parameter of interest. This simple code works parfectly. However, it's fine because it is only 5 runs. What if it was 100?
Is there a more efficient way to assign table names dynamically? I am new with Matlab and I am using my real life needs to practice and learn.
Thank you!
plot(NT1,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0 0.4470 0.7410])
hold on
plot(NT2,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.8500 0.3250 0.0980])
hold on
plot(NT3,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.9290 0.6940 0.1250])
hold on
plot(NT4,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.4940 0.1840 0.5560])
hold on
plot(NT5,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.4660 0.6740 0.1880])
hold off
xlabel('V cell (V)','FontWeight','bold')
ylabel("dQ/dV cell (mAh/V)","FontWeight","bold")
title('Treated Cu - OG Si')
legend({'Cycle 1','Cycle 2','Cycle 3','Cycle 4','Cycle 5',}, ...
댓글 수: 2
2024년 4월 10일
편집: Stephen23
2024년 4월 10일
"Is there a more efficient way to assign table names dynamically? "
No, there is not. Every way is slow, inefficient, complex, and pointlessly obfuscates code:
MATLAB is designed around arrays and indexing. Indexing is exactly how you would handle "What if it was 100?", because indexing trivially expands to any size (hint: try using a loop). Indexing is exactly how experienced MATLAB users would do it, or by using the inbuilt tools for processing groups of data:
Your approach of copy-pasting lots of code or dynamically naming variables ... is best avoided.
"I am new with Matlab and I am using my real life needs to practice and learn."
Then forget about dynamic variable names. That is a path you really don't want to go down:
채택된 답변
2024년 4월 10일
One way to plot the table data for each cycle separately, without having to create a new table variable for each cycle, is to use findgroups and splitapply.
% make up a table
Var = randi([1,10],40,6);
Var(:,4) = Var(:,4)/10;
T = array2table(Var)
% plot Var6 vs Var4 separately for each Var2 group
hold on
[G,GID] = findgroups(T.Var2);
F = @(varargin)plot(varargin{4},varargin{6},LineWidth=1.5);
hold off
xlabel('V cell (V)','FontWeight','bold')
ylabel("dQ/dV cell (mAh/V)","FontWeight","bold")
title('Treated Cu - OG Si')
legend("Cycle "+GID,'Location','southeast')
Also running your code to plot the first 5 groups, for comparison/validation:
hold on
plot(NT1,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0 0.4470 0.7410])
plot(NT2,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.8500 0.3250 0.0980])
plot(NT3,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.9290 0.6940 0.1250])
plot(NT4,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.4940 0.1840 0.5560])
plot(NT5,"Var4","Var6",LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0.4660 0.6740 0.1880])
hold off
xlabel('V cell (V)','FontWeight','bold')
ylabel("dQ/dV cell (mAh/V)","FontWeight","bold")
title('Treated Cu - OG Si')
legend({'Cycle 1','Cycle 2','Cycle 3','Cycle 4','Cycle 5',}, ...
댓글 수: 9
2024년 4월 11일
By the way, it may be convenient to collect each groups' data together, into say a cell array of tables, rather than just plotting it directly. Then you can plot it afterward or do whatever else you need to do on a group-by-group basis. Here's one way of doing that:
% make up a table
Var = randi([1,10],40,6);
Var(:,4) = Var(:,4)/10;
T = array2table(Var)
% collect groups of data
[G,GID] = findgroups(T.Var2);
F = @(varargin){table(varargin{:})};
C = splitapply(F,T,G)
C{1} % group 1 data
% plot Var6 vs Var4 separately for each Var2 group
hold on
for ii = 1:numel(C)
hold off
xlabel('V cell (V)','FontWeight','bold')
ylabel("dQ/dV cell (mAh/V)","FontWeight","bold")
title('Treated Cu - OG Si')
legend("Cycle "+GID,'Location','southeast')
Here the anonymous function F
F = @(varargin){table(varargin{:})};
makes a cell array containing one table of data. Then (as before) splitapply runs that function for each group, so you get C, a cell array containing a table of data for each group.
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